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  • Al Muhandis

The Right to Abortion (F)

Is there a right to abortion?

What is a right?

It is a valid claim that one has against the whole world (or at least most of it).

A right is natural i.e., it arises from Nature.

Therefore, a right to abortion would be a claim to abortion that one has against the world (or at least most of it); it is natural.

A man and woman procreate.

Their act creates a "cluster of cells".

Are we all not a cluster of cells?

Is it right to kill a cluster of cells?

Is it right if I kill a man?

Is it right if I kill a cat?

Is it right if I kill a dog?

It depends.

Is it right to kill an unborn child?

Is it right to kill a man?

In self defense.

Is abortion self defense?

Or is it murder?

Let me give an example:

There is a child on the streets. They can't remember their name.

They have nowhere to go.

You take them in.

You feed them, you clothe them.

Little by little, they grow.

Suddenly, the child pulls a knife. They point it at you.

"Your money or your life".

It has been years. You love them.

You kill them.

Was that right?

Were you right?


What if he killed you?


What if no one is killed?


Should you have killed him?

It depends.

Only He Knows.

One plus one equals two. Two times two equals four.

The possibilities are endless.

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