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  • Al Muhandis

Reflections on Secularism: What Is It?

Separation of church and state.

Is that secularism?

The acknowledgment and avoidance of religion.

Is that secularism?


Is that secularism?


Is that secularism?

All of the above?

It depends.

What is secularism? It is yet undefined. However, let us explore the first. Separation of church and state. The church: "religion". The state: "government".

The church: good. The state: evil.

The church: evil. The state: good.

Church: evil. State: evil.

Why should good be mixed with evil? Why should evil be added to evil? They should be separated.

Let us examine rights. A right is a valid claim that one has against the whole world (theoretically). Do you have the right to force? It depends. What if you don't have that right? What if you "exercise" it anyways? The result can only be evil. After all, you didn't have the right. It is not right. The state. What if Nature Wills it? The Truth.

You are in the graveyard of empires, surrounded by fields of poppies. People are hurt. Broken. They need your help. They plead for your help. You give them what they asked for. Was that what they needed? Was that what they wanted? Which is correct? You don't know. You're happy to help. You cross the black desert and you see paradise. You drift closer and closer into the abyss. It's too late. Or is it? The church.

One is evil, and one can be evil. Two apply. Should the two be separated? It depends.

Who is the one that has knowledge of the State? Who is the one that has knowledge of the Religion? Who has Perfect Knowledge of Both? No one but the One. If Only He Has Both, Is It Not That Only He Can Provide Knowledge Of Both, If He So Wills? Is secularism right? It depends. Is it right now? Only He Knows.

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